
Silver Spring is the epicenter of a thriving Ethiopian diaspora

On most mornings you’ll find Abeba Tsegaye behind the counter at Kefa Café on Bonifant Street, serving a local clientele. After college in Ohio,...

Not Your Childhood Treehouses

By Eric D. Goodman We weren’t sure quite what to expect when we were invited to stay a weekend at a treehouse resort. Sure, I’d...

Robin Henoch: Advocate for Senior Adults

By Sasha Rogelberg Robin Henoch started Always Best Care Senior Services in mid-Montgomery County nine years ago, having always valued the wellbeing of the elderly. After...

Katie Hecklinger: Art to Help the Whole Person

By Jarrad Saffren In June 2019, Katie Hecklinger was an assistant principal at Chevy Chase Elementary School. After working in the Montgomery County Public Schools...

Pati Jinich’s flavors of Mexico

Growing up in Mexico City, celebrity chef Pati Jinich said she found that food was at the center of all cultural events and at...

Erika Alexander: Marriott’s chief global officer

Having worked for Marriott International for 33 years, Erika Alexander, the hospitality company’s chief global officer, Global Operations, has been with the company for...

Why does breast cancer strike Black women harder?

Corrected Oct. 20, 2022 12:30 p.m. Attributions were corrected. October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. In the U.S., a Black woman is about 40 percent...

Eko House brings West Africa home to Rockville

Rockville-area foodies looking for a new type of dining experience can turn to Eko House, marketing itself as an upscale, pan-African restaurant serving patrons...

Speaking of sports with George Solomon

By Aaron Leibel From the beginning, the chemistry between sports journalists Tony Kornheiser and Michael Wilbon was terrific. George Solomon ought to know. As head of...

The singular focus of Earl Dotter

Sixty years ago, at age 19, Earl Dotter moved to California with the goal of becoming a state resident for the then-free college tuition....